Information on important
current legislation in Canada
Currently, in Canada, abortion is legal at all stages of pregnancy. In Canada, any mother over the age of 12 can legally have an abortion in a healthcare setting such as a clinic or hospital without the consent of her family doctor, family, parents, or partner. In every province and territory in the country, the cost of abortions at hospitals and/or clinics is covered by the government. Approximately 100,000 recorded abortions are performed each year in Canada. Since it was provisionally legalized by the Liberal government under Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau in 1969, over 4 million abortions have been committed in Canada. The federal government is continuously working to make abortion more accessible to Canadians.
Priests for Life Canada
Section 223(1) of the Canadian Criminal Code states: “A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act, when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not (a) it has breathed; (b) it has an independent circulation; or (c) the navel string is severed.”
The following link outlines the chronology of Canada’s Abortion Laws: