5:00 p.m. Saturday
9:00 a.m & 11:15 a.m. Sunday
9:00 a.m. Tuesday to Friday
Families and individuals may celebrate their personal baptismal anniversary on the exact date of baptism or on a nearby Sunday. Here is a simple home celebration that you may wish to use. Gather the family together in a suitable place. Light the baptismal candle, or another candle.
Blessed are you, Lord God,
king of the universe:
we praise you for your love and mercy
which you have shown to all your people.
Today we give you thanks and glory
as we celebrate the anniversary of the day
when you made N. your son/daughter in baptism.
Give him/her the grace to live in your love,
and help us to lead our family closer to you
by our faith, prayer and example.
All glory be yours, Father,
through Jesus your Son
in the communion of the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever more.
Parents are encouraged to say the following prayers during the first week after their child's baptism. A fitting time would be at a meal, or before the baby is put to bed, or at another convenient time. Before praying, the parents may wish to light the baptismal candle.
Heavenly Father,
We praise you for adopting N. as your son/daughter in baptism.
Bless our child, and let him/her grow in your love. Help us to be good parents, and to lead our family to love you more.
we ask this grace through Christ our Lord.
Blessed are you, Lord Jesus,
our Saviour and our brother:
you have called our child N.
to be a member of God's holy people.
Help him/her to grow up in your love,
and to follow you closely each day.
Lord Jesus, we love you.
Hear and answer our prayer.
Loving Father,
we thank you and give you praise
for calling our son/daughter N.
to share in the priesthood of Jesus.
We thank you for letting our child
join your church in giving you praise and glory.
Help our child to be holy,
a person of prayer and good works.
We ask this grace through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ,
for calling us to follow you,
for being our Lord and brother,
for letting us share your Cross,
we give you thanks, O lord.
For sharing the life of the Father with us,
for leading us in your light,
for sending your Spirit to live in us,
we give you thanks, O Lord.
For baptizing us into your death,
for raising us to new life with you,
for calling us to be members of your kingdom,
we give you thanks, O Lord.
For marking us with your seal of life,
for giving us faith and hope,
for filling us with your love,
we give you thanks, O Lord.
For calling us to give you praise,
for bringing us to eternal life,
for urging us to be your saints,
we give you thanks, O Lord.